lex's little nook (for now)

in need of some serotonin? scroll for a collection of my favorite happiness-boosters!

"Maybe if you take a hot shower. Cook something. Eat a little soup. Feel a little sunshine. Make something with your hands - it doesn't have to be big. Maybe if you stretch your body and draw a silly little picture and get some rest, the world will feel like something your hands can still hold."
@owlmylove // tumblr

"To those of you who have swept or have blown the leaves from the walk, have rinsed the dishes or dusted their screens, Hestia looks on you from beneath her veil. She smiles, then wraps a shawl made of sunlit October air around you.
To those who remain in bed, who are on the edge of crying, who have turned on the tv to drown out the world, Hestia sits on the edge of your bed, patting circles on your back. I know, my love, she says, I know, I know. It can be so hard. My sweet, it's time to get up. I need you, she says. Let's make this home a sanctuary. Light a candle. Make your hands to care about this. Let out the work of love."
@vital-information // tumblr

“there comes a point where you think something is fundamentally wrong with you. and then it turns out it's just friday and you haven't washed your hair in three days and maybe you're also just a little lonely and the combination of all three of those things is whittling a hole into your chest every time you breathe. but also the sun's up. and you've survived everything so far, so you'll survive this too, even if it hurts, even if you have to survive it many times.”
@ivecarvedawoodenheart // tumblr

"i'm sentimental. i sleep a lot. sometimes i cry a little on public transport. when my friends tell me they love me, i feel as though my heart will burst. i take pictures of nice dogs i see on the street. i notice the changing of the seasons, and i get excited. i like fresh fruit. little things make me happy, and i hope i stay this way."
@goghflora // tumblr

"hmm. i am clumsy and clunky and often too loud. i could be a better friend i could be a better partner i could be a better sibling. i am full of love in all my messiness and through all the abrasivness too. i don't know. i like looking at sunsets. i like petting cats on the street and watching the trees turn green. my heart is big in my chest and sometimes i have to cradle it and love it even when i'm shying away. i wrap my arms around myself. i watch a fan spin and i guess that i'll just love myself until i mean it."
@thefig // tumblr

"i think the fast paced society we live in currently has brainwashed me into thinking i can upgrade myself and my life just as fast as when i restart my computer or phone. i have forgotten the natural cycles of life... how the moon takes her time to be full or how the crops take their time to grow their fruits."

"actually i love growing older and learning how i work as a person like realizing what kinds of fabrics feel best on my skin or what brand of yogurt i like best or how i want to be touched. watching myself change, enjoying brussel sprouts when i used to hate them as a child, understanding why i got angry in that one conversation 10 years ago... there are so many mysteries inside me that i have yet to unravel and there will always be more and sometimes i think maybe it's all worth it"
@ursullaklegay // tumblr

"The water in your body is just visiting. It was a thunderstorm a week ago. It will be the ocean soon enough. Most of your cells come and go like morning dew. We are more weather pattern than stone monument. Sunlight on mist. Summer lighting. Your choices outweigh your substance."

"you can always start again. clean up your socials, make new playlists, donate clothes you no longer wear. try out a new recipe, move to a new city and make new friends, pick up new hobbies you never thought of before. there is no limit to how many times you can press the reset button. it's okay to change and start over. you don't need anyone's permission to do it."

"I remember first learning that you can cry from any emotion, that emotions are chemical levels in your brain and your body is constantly trying to maintain equilibrium. so if one emotion sky rockets, that chemical becomes flagged and signals the tear duct to open as an exit to release that emotion packaged neatly within a tear. Everything made sense after that. That sudden stability of your emotions after crying. How crying is often accompanied by the inability to feel any other emotion in that precise moment. And it is especially beautiful knowing that it is even possible to experience so much beauty or love that your body literally can't hold on to all of it. So what I've learned is that crying signifies that you are feeling as much as humanely possible and that is living to the fullest extent. So keep feeling and cry often and as much as needed"

"be poetic. if you find the way the light falls through your window and onto your bedroom wall pretty, write about it. call it soft and golden as sunlit honey. if it makes you glad to be alive then it's not silly. you look for the beauty of things, be proud of that. say the heavy rain is kissing you. write about the glow of the moon, the dancing of flowers. make your world magical. collect your metaphors and treasure them."
theforestsarelistening // tumblr

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